TGIF Winster Friends!
I have a new internet addiction and it's name is Pinterest. For those of you that don't use it, my explaining it to you would not cause anyone to go out and get the app, but here goes. Pinterest is a site where young women, in their early twenties as far as I can tell, post photographs of things they want in life. Over and over you'll see couture wedding gowns, fancy homes, skinny women with six-pack abs and luxury goods. All with captions like "I will have this" or "I have to remember this for my wedding" or "I want my house to look like this". That's it. Occasionally there are some recipes for easy meals or a motivational quote, but mainly it's a glimpse in to a weird fantasy world where everyone is a future wealthy super model.
Perhaps my addiction is a tiny bit based on the dreams of a giant conservatory in my backyard that are still left in me, but mainly I just like to see what the young people are thinking. And folks, it's the same as it's always been. White horse, prince charming, 2.5 kids and a white picket fence (around a house with 6 bedrooms and 4500 square feet).
I was looking at a diagram the other day called the happiness curve. It shows that from the time you are born until your mid 30's, your happiness is in free fall. After 35, the curve goes back up and in your seventies you are as happy as a child. They attribute that to acceptance. Accepting that you'll never have six-pack abs and a 3500 square foot house actually makes you happy. And just knowing that I was on the upside of the curve made me happy!
So, more power to the young people but I'll take my muffin top and Vegas elopement and like it. Because that's just the kind of people we are. Am I right, ladies?