Hello Again Winsters!
The response to the launch has been great and now we're putting our heads down and getting to work.
Joey and our customer service team have been responding to hundreds of tickets in the past few days regarding issues with the site. We have solved many of the major problems and are now getting into specific help requests from people who may need individual attention. Rest assured, we're here to help so please don't hesitate to contact us if you have problems or just want to say hello.
And now for the news you've all been waiting for, prizes! We are in the process of looking at past deals with some of your favorite prize providers such as My Points, Papa Johns and Omaha Steaks. We're also looking at some great new options. I know this can't come soon enough for most of you but please know that after fixing bugs and getting things working, prizes are our next priority.
Lastly, we are back up on Facebook. Please "like" our page at www.facebook.com/winster.
Thanks for the update. I will encourage people to join the official Winster Facebook page. :)